
champion of Europe of the photovoltaic

Ségolène Royal washes more green! "A few days the regional elections, exasperation that arouses Ségolène Royal among ecologists do not falters. European ecology may even impose a triangle in the second round of regional, if the outgoing Chair, to which the region is promised, does not change its "hyperprésidentialiste" way to govern. It must be said that President Poitou-Charentes excels in the art of shake the green cloth. Ecologists him want, pêle-mêle, to have "returned" some of their elected officials ("she has recovered the worst", they get excited), boast to have a "greener than green" balance what they summarize by anglicism "green wash" and, also, to have claimed a few months ago that it would be the best candidate ecologist in 2012. "It's just grotesque!", had then reacted Greens. Six years after having conquered the Poitou-Charentes Regional Council, Ségolène Royal spent EUR 871 million for "environmental excellence" its neighbours. A considerable budget. So far, "the Poitou-Charentes region is first nowhere, except in com!", ironise Jean-Marc Brûlé, Coordinator of the green for the regional elections. "All that is much blah - blah, many effects of ad, surenchérit the Secretary of transportation, Dominique Bussereau, his great rival in the region." The least that can be said is that the green revolution is not running in Poitou-Charentes. "She responds to criticism of his opponent, who reproached him"a deplorable, balance be good or effective":"We must judge acts." I am the concrete. I am in action. "Indeed, the measures announced by the region environmental give the tournis. But, precisely what exactly?

Ségolène Royal had stated that his region is champion of Europe of the photovoltaic. "When she says that we are the first region in Europe in photovoltaic, it is a communications error, note Marie Legrand, Vice-President (Greens) the Poitou-Charentes region. If she speaks in terms of installed capacity, it is clear that it is false. If it mentions level obtained funds from the European Investment Bank, then, Yes, maybe.

